Hope City College

Hope City College Ministry exists to help college & young adults connect with Jesus in life-giving and long-term ways. Through small groups, service to the city, & hangouts we're seeking the Kingdom of God.

Upcoming College Events

COLLEGE NIGHT (Beginning January 18, 2024)

Every Thursday night we gather at a family’s home and eat together, open the Scriptures, and learn to do life together. It’s usually 15-25 of us. It’s the perfect way to get connected in relationship. For more information feel free to email Pastor Bryan at bryan@hopecitytuscaloosa.com 

LOCATION: 8006 Mountbatten Rd NE, Tuscaloosa, AL 35406


There are lots and lots of groups available. Most are multi-generational and meet on different days of the week. Check out the groups here.


We encourage everyone at Hope City to get connected in discipleship. Isn’t that kinda’ the point? Our discipleship process involves you meeting with someone a little further along than you and studying scripture, memorizing a bible verse a week, and intentionally cultivating your soul. If you’d like more information about discipleship fill out THIS quick form and someone will give you a shout.

Are you interested in serving in our college ministry?

Take a first step here!